ArsDigita Archives

Version Control for Web Development using CVS

by Ron Henderson (

Submitted on: 2000-06-30
Last updated: 2000-08-06

ArsDigita : ArsDigita Systems Journal : One article

Running a Web development project is a complex process. As a project leader, you will need to coordinate the efforts of a programming team, one or more graphic artists, content managers, and testers, all while dealing with site objectives that necessarily evolve over time. If you want to sleep at night, every piece of static content required to make your Web service operate should be under version control. This includes all server-side scripts, static html pages, images, template specifications, data models, and anything else your site requires to operate.

A good version control system serves two related functions: record keeping and collaboration. Record keeping is the more obvious. What state was the code in yesterday? What changes have taken place since the last feature launch? Who made change X that broke page Y? Typical version control systems achieve this by recording each change to a file as a separate numbered revision, along with a message about what the change was and who made it. This fosters collaboration by making it easier for one developer to understand what the others have done (they can read the log messages, and look at the isolated changes). Good systems provide mechanisms for merging changes from multiple developers so that work is never clobbered accidentally.

At ArsDigita we have selected the free, open-source Concurrent Versions System (CVS) as our standard version control system. CVS is based on the copy-modify-merge model, and works as follows: A master copy of the the project is stored in a special area called the repository. One or more working copies of the project can be checked out of the repository. Each contributor to the project makes changes in one of these working copies and then commits those changes, along with a log message about what they did, to be recorded in the repository. At any time the working copy can be compared to the master copy and, if necessary, updated by merging in the more recent changes.

Anyone can pick up the basics of CVS in a few minutes by reading the documentation, available online at You really only need a handful of commands: add, remove, commit, and update. This article is geared toward more advanced features of CVS that come into play during the overall management of a Web development project.

Setting up a new project under CVS

A typical Web development project involves three servers, which may be on one or more physical hosts (see We need a production server for the live site, a staging server to test changes before they go live, and a development server for more long-term or unstable development. In CVS terms, each one is served from a different working copy of the project. We also need at least two Oracle users/tablespaces to separate production/staging from development. Here we concentrate on initializing the project's code repository.

Putting a new project into a CVS repository is called importing. For the sake of example, assume that you're setting a new project called "myservice" based on the ArsDigita Community System (ACS) version 3.1.5.

  1. Decide where the project repository is going to be. If you're developing on a shared machine then it's likely that a repository already exists in /cvsweb/, so you don't have to create one. If /cvsweb/ doesn't exist you will need to use cvs init:
           % cvs -d /cvsweb init

    This creates a new repository in /cvsweb/ and populates the administrative subdirectory /cvsweb/CVSROOT/.

  2. Obtain the latest distribution from and save a copy in a convenient location like ~/develop:
           % cd ~/develop/
           % tar zxvf acs-3.1.5.tar.gz
  3. Import the version of ACS that forms your code base into the new project repository:
           % cd ~/develop/acs/
           % cvs -d /cvsweb import -m "importing ACS 3.1.5" myservice ArsDigita acs-3-1-5

    Note that this command is executed from inside the top-level ACS subdirectory, not above it.

  4. Blow away the distribution file and checkout a copy of your new project to the development area:
           % cd ~/develop/
           % rm -rf acs acs-3.1.5.tar.gz
           % cd /web/
           % cvs -d /cvsweb checkout -d myservice-dev myservice
  5. Checkout additional working copies for your production and staging servers (we assume this is on a separate host):
           % ssh
           % cd /web
           % cvs -d checkout myservice
           % cvs -d checkout -d myservice-staging myservice
  6. Continue with the normal procedure for installing ACS.

The example above will create a new project repository rooted at /cvsweb/myservice/. It will be important later to use a consistent set of vendor and release tags so that your project can easily upgrade to newer versions of the ACS as they come along. In the example above, vendor=ArsDigita (this will always be the case) and release=acs-3-1-5.

Note that the repository does not have to reside on the same host as the working copies. In fact, CVS is network transparent: the repository can be accessed anywhere on the internet using one of four connetion methods. At ArsDigita we only use the ext (external transport agent) method with Secure Shell as the actual transport agent. For this to work the environment variable CVS_RSH=ssh must be set, although it is part of the standard environment on all ArsDigita machines.

You now have a fresh installation of ACS to start from. Use the regular cvs commands to add new files and directories to your repository (see, and remind your developers to get in the habit of committing their changes regularly.

Tracking changes

Often you want to get a quick summary of the status of each file in your project. You can use cvs update to do this. This command compares the state of each file in your working directory with the corresponding file in the repository, merging changes from the repository if newer revisions have been committed. You can use update in preview mode to check the state of everything:

% cd /web/arsdigita
% cvs -q -n update
? bin/
M loader/acs-loader.tcl
C tcl/address-book-defs.tcl
M tcl/download-defs.tcl
M tcl/ecommerce-scheduled-procs.tcl
M tcl/education-portal.tcl
M tcl/ischecker-notifier.tcl
M tcl/news-defs.tcl
U tcl/webmail-defs.tcl
? tcl/extensions-defs.tcl
? tcl/SQL

We get a quick view of the state of the project: M is a locally modified file with uncommitted changes, U indicates there is a newer revision in the repository (committed from some other working copy), C indicates a file with unresolved conflicts, and ? is a file that CVS has no version control information for.

When multiple files are sent to the repository they receive the same log message, making it possible to recombine a batch of changes. You can use a simple third-party tool called to convert the raw CVS log entries into a GNU-style ChangeLog. This is extremely useful for recording the change history of a project.

To generate the ACS ChangeLog for the last week of April:

% -l "'-d 2000-04-21 < 2000-04-29'"
% cat ChangeLog
2000-04-28 21:28  teadams

	* www/intranet/employees/index.tcl: making team and office views

2000-04-28 21:23  teadams

	* www/intranet/employees/admin/index.tcl: separating into offices
	and teams

2000-04-28 20:49  ron

	* www/doc/release-numbering.html: standard document regarding ACS
	version numbers

2000-04-28 18:40  jsalz

	* tcl/: ad-abstract-url.tcl, ad-admin.tcl, ad-security.tcl,
	ad-table-display.tcl, ad-user-groups.tcl, ad-widgets.tcl: moved to

2000-04-28 17:34  ron

	* www/register/index.tcl: removed reference to ad_style_bodynote

2000-04-28 17:32  jsalz

	* www/admin/apm/version-install.tcl: initial checkin

Advanced CVS

As stated above, the basics of CVS are quite easy to pick up. There are a few other commands beyond the scope of this article that are worth looking up: What we will go into here, because they are important for both site upgrades and launches, are the concepts of tags and branches.


Tags provide a symbolic name for a collection of revisions. Creating tags is easy:
% cvs tag acs-3-2-2-R20000412

It might help to visualize a tag as a straight line through a particular set of revisions of each file of the project:

file1    file2    file3    file4

         1.3               1.1

1.17  -- 1.4   -- 1.9   -- 1.2   -- acs-3-2-2-R20000412

1.18     1.5      1.10     1.3

1.19              1.11

When you checkout a copy of a project, by default you receive the latest revisions on the main line of development, also called the trunk. But you can also uses tags to request a particular named snapshot of project:

% cvs update -r acs-3-2-2-R20000412
% cvs checkout -r acs-3-2-2-R20000412

Note that for tags to be useful, somebody (the project leader) needs to plan a system for creating them at critical times in the project's history. For the ACS we record each toolkit release using a special tag of the form:


This intentionally mimics our release version numbering (see so that the exact code shipped out in a particular release can be recalled from CVS.


At certain times it's important to separate the project into separate, parallel lines of development. For example, prior to a release we split the main project into a release branch and a development branch. On the release branch we freeze the code and fix bugs in preparation for the release, while on the development branch we continue development for the future.

The idea is simple:

     |   acs-3-1 (branch 1.35.2)
     |  /
    1.35 -------------
     |                     |
     |                     |
     |                     |
     |                     |
     |                     |
     |                     |
    1.38       acs-3-1-0-R20000204 (tag)

The branch has a label (acs-3-1), and revisions along the branch have four digits instead of two.

The command to create a branch is:

% cvs tag -b branchtag

Once created you have to explicitly move your working copy onto the branch with a cvs checkout or update. Example:

% cd /web/arsdigita
% cvs tag -b acs-3-1
% cd /web/
% cvs checkout -r acs-3-1 -d acs-staging acs

You know that a particular file is on a branch because cvs status tells you:

% cvs -d /usr/local/cvsroot checkout -r acs-3-2 acs
% cvs status acs/readme.txt
File: readme.txt        Status: Up-to-date

   Working revision:    3.1     Mon Feb 21 07:02:06 2000
   Repository revision: 3.1     /usr/local/cvsroot/acs/readme.txt,v
   Sticky Tag:          acs-3-2 (branch: 3.1.4)
   Sticky Date:         (none)
   Sticky Options:      (none)

Branches are only used in the ACS repository to isolate code prior to a release. CVS supports branching to an arbitrary depth, but it's hard to imagine needing more than two parallel lines of development.

Note that branches created this way always even-numbered ( As described below, the import command also uses branches to separate your changes from the code imported from an external vendor. These so-called vendor branches are always odd-numbered.

Merging changes

We just spent a week working on the new release, fixing bugs and typos. All of those changes were commited to the release branch so that work in the development area could continue in isolation. Now that the release is over, we want to merge all of those fixes back into the trunk so they don't have to be fixed again for the next release.

In CVS terms, we need to merge the release branch and the development trunk.

     |   acs-3-1 (branch 1.35.2)
     |  /
    1.35 -------------
     |                     |
     |                     |
     |                     |
     |                     |
     |                     |
     |                     |
    1.39       acs-3-1-0-R20000204 (tag)
     .               .
     .             .
    1.40 . . . . .     changes merged to create 1.40

Another way to think about it: we want to create a patch comprised of all the changes that took place along the acs-3-1 branch and apply that to our development copy. This is another job for CVS update using the -j (join) option to merge in a selected set of changes.

% cd ~/develop
% cvs checkout acs
% cd ~/develop/acs/
% cvs update -kk -j acs-3-1
% cvs commit -m "merged changes from acs-3-0 branch"

The arguments to update are -j acs-3-1 to merge in all changes that took place along the acs-3-1 branch, and -kk to kill keyword expansion so we don't get spurious conflicts from CVS keywords in the source files.

What if you want to go in the other direction, merging changes on the trunk with a release branch?

% cd ~/develop
% cvs checkout -r acs-3-1 acs
% cd ~/develop/acs
% cvs update -kk -j HEAD
% cvs commit -m "merged changes from development"

You can find a complete description of branches and merging in the context of toolkit releases in the document ACS Release Mangement (

Upgrading ACS

As ArsDigita programmers we always want to develop using the latest version of the ACS. Why is this important?

  • Your feedback improves the toolkit
  • You have 50+ developers fixing bugs for you
  • You will save other project developers time by not having to debug the same problems
  • You can honestly claim that your client project is using the latest battle-tested software from ArsDigita
  • You will be able to take advantage of the latest ACS features

Several weeks have gone by since you started developing the site, and now a new version of ACS has been released that contains features you need or bug fixes to important modules. In the meantime, you've customized parts of the basic toolkit software necessary for the project. How can you upgrade your ACS installation without losing the customization?

The solution is to merge the new release with your existing code base using vendor/release tags to keep track of where the code came from. This is essentially the same principal that applies to merging branches in CVS. You supply a symbolic name for the vendor and software release of the new code you're importing. CVS then checks each file against the code in the repository, merges all the changes, and reports any conflicts so you can resolve them.

For the most part this process should simply upgrade the existing files in your repository so they reflect the latest release. Conflicts should only arise if you and ArsDigita (whom we treat here as an outside software vendor) made overlapping changes.

Starting the upgrade

The basic steps are simple. Here is the upgrade method based on cvs import using vendor/release tags:

  1. Obtain the latest distribution from and save a copy in a convenient location like ~/develop/ . Unpack the distribution:
           cd ~/develop/
           tar zxvf acs-3.1.5.tar.gz
  2. Import the code into your repository using vendor=ArsDigita and release=acs-3-1-5:
           cd ~/develop/acs
           cvs import -m "upgrade to ACS 3.1.5" myservice ArsDigita acs-3-1-5
  3. No conflicts? Great! You can blow away the distribution and update your development area:
           cd ..
           rm -rf acs
           cd /web/myservice/
           cvs update -d

    Note that the -d option to cvs update will create any new directories that were added to ACS. Without this option the update command will only operate on directories that already exist in your working copy.

    Vendor branches and import conflicts

    A CVS import into an active project rarely goes that smoothly. Before we go into the mechanics of finishing the upgrade, it's important to understand how CVS stores each import within your project repository using vendor branches.

    Let's say that over time we've upgraded the project three times. In the simplest case of a file that we never touched, the revision tree looks like this:

    % cvs -d /cvsweb import myservice ArsDigita acs-3-1-0
    % cvs -d /cvsweb import myservice ArsDigita acs-3-1-1
    % cvs -d /cvsweb import myservice ArsDigita acs-3-1-2
         |   ArsDigita (branch 1.1.1)
         |  /
        1.1 -------------  acs-3-1-0

    Each import adds a new revision to the vendor branch, and a subsequent update or checkout will pull that latest revision out to your working copy.

    What if you and the vendor both changed the file?

    % cvs -d /cvsweb import myservice ArsDigita acs-3-1-1
           2 conflicts created by this import.
           Use the following command to help the merge:
               cvs checkout -jArsDigita:yesterday -jArsDigita myservice
         |   ArsDigita (branch 1.1.1)
         |  /
        1.1 -------------  acs-3-1-0
         |                    |
         |                    |
        1.2       acs-3-1-1

    Because you and the vendor both changed the file, we have an import conflict, which really just means that we need to take an extra step to merge the vendor's changes ( with ours (1.2). CVS tells you exactly what to do:

    % cd ~/develop
    % cvs checkout -j ArsDigita:yesterday -j ArsDigita myservice
         |   ArsDigita (branch 1.1.1)
         |  /
        1.1 -------------  acs-3-1-0
         |                    |
         |                    |
        1.2	      acs-3-1-1
         .              .
         .            .
        1.3 . . . . .     merge (and resolve conflicts)

    Note what's happening here. We are checking out a fresh copy of the project and doing a simultaneous merge. The patch to be applied is computed by selecting only the changes that have occured along the ArsDigita branch in the past 24 hours, which will of course include only the code that we just imported.

    Now you have to go through the normal process of conflict resolution if you had overlapping changes. Otherwise CVS will combine your changes with the vendor's changes to produce the fully updated file. Don't forget to commit the results of the merge and update your development area.

    % cd ~/develop/myservice
    (resolve conflicts)
    % cvs commit -m "merged with acs-3-1-1, conflicts resolved"
    % cd /web/myservice-dev
    % cvs update

    Managing Releases for a Client Project

    Our final topic concerns managing the code between your three servers (development, staging and production). Say you are running a client project on which the site has launched but your programming team is still developing new features. For example, every week you release a new set of features onto the production site, plus you fix some bugs, plus you start up a development project that won't be released for some time. How do you keep track of what set of changes need to migrate from one working copy to another?

    This is a problem with many possible solutions but not one "best" solution. You'll have to make the appropriate choice based on the complexity of the site and the amount of time you're willing to invest in software management. Here are three choices for solving the problem, differentiated by the number of code branches used.

    One Branch

    The basic idea is that we have only one branch of development and we use CVS tags to mark the revision that should migrate to the production server. The development tree looks like this:

        1.36  ... myservice-production

    We use a special tag (myservice-production) to mark files for migrating to the production server. Note that all work is done on the development site. Any programmer can release a file for production using:

    cvs tag -F myservice-production [files]

    or remove a file from production using:

    cvs tag -D myservice-production [files]

    After that development continues but files would only be re-tagged when a new set of features is ready for release to the production server. The only command ever executed on the production server is cvs update:

    cd /web/myservice
    cvs update -d -r myservice-production

    The arguments to the update are -d to create new directories if necessary and -r to update all of the local copies to the revision tagged as myservice-production, and remove files that no longer have that tag.

    Note that files on the production server will not be editable. When you ask CVS to update a file using a regular tag like myservice-production, it sets a sticky option for the file. This is to prevent you from trying to commit changes to any file that is not based on the latest revision. The command update -A will reset all sticky options and replace your local copy with the latest trunk revision.

    The practical implication of sticky tags is the following. If a problem is discovered it must be fixed on the development server, re-tagged, and then the production server must be updated again to bring over the changes. However, this process is easily automated. You can have a cron job on the production box that updates the site every 15 minutes, or every hour, or every day - whatever schedule fits your management goals.

    For better record keeping, or in case you need to suddenly revert to a previous working image of the production server, you can record particular snapshots of the tree using additional tags and the cvs rtag command:

    cd /web/myservice
    cvs -d /cvsweb rtag -r myservice-production myservice-1-0-5 myservice

    This applies the tag myservice-1-0-5 to all revisions that are currently tagged as myservice-production. Note that rtag does not require a working copy. It goes straight to the repository and adds the myservice-1-0-5 to every revision that is currently tagged myservice-production.

    The production tag will change over time, but the release tags will record fixed snapshots of your project. Eventually your development tree will look like this:

        1.36  ... myservice-1-0-3
        1.37  ... myservice-1-0-4
        1.38  ... myservice-1-0-5, myservice-production

    In case you need to suddenly revert the production site to a previous snaphot, it's a simple matter of executing:

    cvs update -r myservice-1-0-3

    If you set things up like this you will not need a staging server, although you could easily introduce one, e.g. for testing prior to updating the production server. This is essentially the way we run, with all changes taking place on the development server, the tagging performed by a shell script called, and a cron job updating the production site every 15 minutes.

    To summarize the one-branch scenario:

    • Advantages
      • Simplicity
      • Files can be automatically migrated to production so that management of the site is distributed over all developers
    • Disadvantages
      • Difficult to fix bugs on the production site, espcially if newer revisions of the file have been checked in from the development site
      • Clashes with content management tools that have been integrated with CVS because no commits are allowed from the production site

    Two Branches (Development and Production)

    If you want a little more flexibility and better separation between your development work and your production site, you can introduce a separate code branch for staging/production. You're shooting for something like this:

    /web/myservice-dev/ Development server (working copy of your project trunk)
    /web/myservice-staging/ Staging (working copy of the production branch)
    /web/myservice/ Production (read-only copy of the production branch)

    You want to keep active development on your development server, testing and bug fixes on your staging server, and no edits (cvs update only) on your production server. Conceptually the development tree looks like this:

         |   myservice-production (branch 1.1.2)
         |  /
        1.1 --------------
         |                    |
         |                    |
        1.2        ... myservice-1-0-1
         |                    |
         |                    |
         |                    |
         |                    |   
        1.4        ... myservice-1-0-2

    Unlike the one-branch scenario, the production branch now allows normal development, e.g. you can edit and commit changes from the staging server just like any other working copy. These changes will be recorded on the myservice-production branch. This also enables content management tools that have been integrated with CVS to record changes in the production branch. And you can still record particular release snapshots (myservice-1-0-2) on the production branch.

    The only additional complexity is that you will need to merge changes between your production and development branches. The command to add a file to the production branch for the first time is the same as above, with the addition of a -b branch option:

    cvs tag -b myservice-production [files]

    The production and staging servers are updated as before:

    cd /web/myservice-staging
    cvs update -d -r myservice-production
    cd /web/myservice
    cvs update -d -r myservice-production

    with the subtle distinction that myservice-production is now a branch tag (refers to a family of revisions rooted to a common ancestor on the trunk) rather than a regular tag (refers to a single revision in the repository).

    To migrate changes from your development site to the production site, you will need to explicitly merge them. For example, let's say you've been working on custom-module and now want to migrate the changes to your production branch. The commands are:

    % cd /web/myservice-staging/www/custom-module/
    % cvs update -kk -j HEAD 
    % cvs commit -m "merged with dev"
       trunk          myservice-production (branch 1.35.2)
         |                     |
         |                     |
         |                     |
         |                     |
         |                     |
            .                  |
              .                |
               . . . . . .

    This uses the reserved tag HEAD, which always refers to the latest revision on the trunk, to merge all files in the directory /www/custom-module/. Once everything is tested on the staging server, a single cvs update on the production server will activate the changes.

    One advantage to this approach is that you can quickly fix problems on the staging server and commit the changes to the production branch. If this happens you will want to merge the changes into your development copy so that you don't have to duplicate the fixes (and generate spurious conflicts later). This is also done with a merge, but in the opposite direction. As a general policy you will want to tag your production branch and do this at regular intervals, each time merging the changes between previous production "releases".

    % cd /web/myservice-dev/www/custom-module/
    % cvs update -kk -j myservice-1-0-2 -j myservice-1-0-3
    % cvs commit -m "merged with myservice-1-0-3"
       trunk          myservice-production (branch 1.35.2)
         |                     |
         |                     |
         |                     |
        1.35      ... myservice-1-0-2
         |                     |
         |                     |
        1.36      ... myservice-1-0-3
         |               .
         |             .
        1.37 . . . . .

    To summarize the two-branch scenario:

    • Advantages
      • Separation of development from production
      • Problems on the production branch can be fixed quickly regardless of activity on the development branch
      • Compatible with content-management tools that have been integrated with CVS
    • Disadvantages
      • Requires merging code between the production and development branches

    Multiple Branches

    Our final option to use a separate branch for every production release of the site. The complication over using two branches is that you will create another release branch each time you want to launch a new set of features. In this case the release cycle involves merging the current release branch with your development copy, creating a new release branch, moving your staging server onto the new branch for testing, and finally updating the production server when testing is complete.

    Over time your revision history tree will have multiple branches coming out of the trunk and then merging back in as you go through the process of successive releases:

         |   myservice-1-0 (branch 1.35.2)
         |  /
        1.35 -------------
         |                     |
         |                     |
         .               .
         .             .
        1.37 . . . . . 
         |    myservice-1-1 (branch 1.39.2)                  
         |   /                      
        1.39 -------------
         |                     |
         |                     |   
         .               .
         .             .
        1.41 . . . . .     

    Although the basic steps are described above, it might be helpful to list them explicitly in the context of a full release cycle. They are:

    1. Make sure all work in your development area has been committed by looking at the output of:
      % cd /web/myservice-dev
      % cvs -n update
    2. Merge the current production release (myservice-1-0) with the development copy:
      % cd /web/myservice-dev/
      % cvs update -j myservice-1-0
      % cvs commit -m "merged with myservice-1-0"
    3. Create a branch for the new release:
      % cd /web/myservice-dev
      % cvs tag -b myservice-1-1
    4. Switch your staging server over to the new release:
      % cd /web/myservice-staging
      % cvs update -d -r myservice-1-1

      Run any necessary datamodel upgrades, test the new code on the staging server, fix any problems that arise, and commit all changes.

    5. Update your production server to activate the changes:
      % cd /web/myservice
      % cvs update -d -r myservice-1-1

    This is essentially the way we handle new releases of the ArsDigita Community System, except for the final steps of packaging up the distribution.

    To summarize the multiple-branches scenario:

    • Advantages
      • Most flexibile
    • Disadvantages
      • Most complicated

    Concluding Remarks

    Version control is a critical aspect of software development, and doing it correctly will not only save you from potential coding disasters but also help reinforce good software engineering. It enourages developers to document what they do, fosters communiction among your team, and helps you (as a project leader) track the activity taking place from day to day. At ArsDigita we've standardized on CVS as our version-control system. Although CVS may seem complex at first, the process of managing a Web development project is straightforward once you learn a few basic principles. The benefits far outweigh the small amount of overhead necessary to use CVS effectivly.

    Here are some general guidelines to avoid trouble:

    • All of the files required for your site to operate should be under version control
    • Never copy files between working copies (use cvs update to migrate changes)
    • Avoid forced or anonymous commits (CVS is not a backup utility)
    • Commit changes frequently but keep the repository in a runnable state


Related Links

  • WinCVS GUI- This is a great front-end to CVS. It doesn't require any knowledge of the command line, but allows you to use it if you wish.   (contributed by Phillip Thurmond)
